
Most active pages
26 June 2008

5273.3 k3.4 k3.2 kUS Supreme Court rules DC gun ban unconstitutional
5113.6 k5.2 k3.5 kUS will remove 'terror' tag on North Korea
481659.2 k4.6 kUS Supreme Court overturns death penalty for child rape
483.6 k3.6 k3.6 kMandela turns 90, world celebrities gather
344.4 k4.3 k4.3 kConrad Black loses appeal against fraud conviction
5821031.1 k4.4 kObama offers sympathies to Fengshen victims
3103.4 k3.4 k3.3 kNASA says Martian soil could sustain life
372.5 k2.5 k2.4 kBoxing: Pacquiao and Diaz trade verbal punches
362.6 k2.6 k2.5 kBodies of victims of Typhoon Fengshen appear on Philippine shores
35152152169Category:Phoenix Mission
232.9 k2.8 k2.8 kSugar silos at centre of Georgia, US refinery blast that killed 13 demoli…
292.3 k2.7 k2.3 kOPEC sees US$170 per barrel of oil
252.3 k2.3 k2.2 kHuman Rights group seeks judicial remedy for Philippine torture victims
135.2 k5 k5 kMugabe says he's open to talks with Zimbabwe opposition
33011 k5.7 kBrazilian tribe is neither a new discovery nor a hoax
23144144144Category:Nelson Mandela
182.6 k2.7 k2.6 kEU regulation prevents sale of 'small' kiwi fruit in Bristol shop
112.2 k2.1 k2.1 kMexican police official, bodyguard shot dead at restaurant
22062 kWildfires started by lightning burn in California
2490902.6 kNuclear power seriously considered for ASEAN power grid
13394139Phoenix Mission
11797979EU prevents sale of kiwi fruit in Bristol shop
11696969US Supreme Court outlaws death penalty for child rape
11555555Martian soil could sustain life
11-42422.6 kUN Security Council calls on Iran to suspend uranium enrichment
1141415.1 kSouth African president dismisses deputy on implications of corruption
11-31312.7 kPalestinian Islamists attack children's festival in Gaza Strip
1129295.7 kBush appoints John Bolton United States' ambassador to the United Nations
1130307.5 kVenezuelan President Chavez criticises U.S. President Bush in U.N. address
1129291.3 kPresidential candidate of Haiti, Dany Toussaint, arrested by United Natio…
1130305.8 kIran says it may withdraw from Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
1129294.4 kGerman BND claims U.S. exaggerated Iraq WMD claims
1129295.6 kIgnored warnings 'worsened' situation in Myanmar
1130308.9 kInternational bodies express concern over Israel-Hezbollah conflict
1129293.4 kG7 announce debt relief plan
1129291.7 kPW Botha, apartheid leader, dead at 90
11-27272.9 kIran continues enrichment in defiance of UN according to IAEA report
1128282.9 kUN to send troops to Darfur, Sudan
1128282 kUN sanctions prompt Iran to limit cooperation with IAEA
11-27273.4 kAmerican Samoa asks again to be removed from U.N. colonies list
1127274.5 kTwo car bombs kill scores in Algiers, Algeria
1127273 kAt least 10,000 reported dead after Burma cyclone
1128282.8 kSuspected poisonous gas found in New York
1128283.7 kUK opposition leader calls for Burma aid to be dispatched by air if acces…
1128281.7 kNelson Mandela statue unveiled in Parliament Square, UK
1127276.7 kWorld AIDS Day events held around the globe
1128282.7 kPrinces William and Harry host the Concert for Diana
1124241.2 kEx UK Minister Chris Smith was HIV Positive for 17 years
11-22222.9 kGuinea coup trial defendant names co-conspirators
1120202.5 kBenazir Bhutto receives Irish peace prize
11-18184.1 kGovernment Accountability Office requests rerun of US Air Force tanker bid
1112126.7 kTwo UN contract workers kidnapped in Somalia
11-996.9 kUN Report: Earth ecosystem in peril
11-10105.2 kUnited Nations Report: Deserts threatened by global warming
11-884.9 kUN emphasizes importance of women's health in Africa
11883.2 kU.N. reports Afghan opium production is up again
11-666 kUN: Military attacks on Darfur violated international law
11-557.9 kUnited Nations passes Declaration on human cloning
11-226.4 kUN Security Council extends Afghan force mandate
11225.9 kUN report: climate change and food shortage major problems for Earth's fu…
11-2210 kUN calls on international community to increase aid for Iraqi refugees
11-225.8 kU.S. Navy forced to give up on Burma relief
11334.9 kAustralian opposition minister gives speech on poverty
11227.9 kUS Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld visits Brazil
11-334.7 kClimate conference in Bali begins on Monday
11223 kEx-wife of Nelson Mandela denied entry into Canada
11113.7 kUN summit results in pledge to mitigate food crisis
11113.8 kUN Secretary-General expresses concern about crises in Chad, Kenya, Sudan
11113.9 kUN holding recruitment exams in under-represented countries
11114.9 kUN inquiry finds mismanagement and failure of oversight
11114.7 kGeneral Assembly elects Ban Ki-moon as next UN chief
11004.8 kFrance offers promised 2000 soldiers to the UN in Lebanon
11005.1 kUN report says Sudan government guilty of orchestrating Darfur crimes
11003.5 kUN Security Council calls for release of British soldiers in Iran
11113.7 kIran's official radio silent about U.N. resolution against Holocaust deni…
11114.6 kUSA rejects UN Guantanamo report
11117.2 kBush nomination to UN post faces bi-partisan problems
11-112 kMontenegro becomes 192nd UN Member State
11-113.7 kUN board supported Saddam Hussein's regime, says Iraq's ambassador
11113.1 kU.N. denied access to Guantanamo inmates
11112.8 kChavez wants UN uprooted from New York
11112 kSecurity Council recommends Ban Ki-moon for UN Secretary-General
11111.9 kUN accuses US of wholesale rights violations in Iraq
11112.8 kUN inaugurates rapid-response fund for future disasters
11111.9 kNew UN Secretary General assumes post
11001.7 kUN Security Council approves peacekeepers for Sudan
11112.5 kUN troops accused of rape in Congo; UN staff suspended due to Iraq Oil-fo…
11-112.7 kUN creates rapid-response fund for disasters
11-1111 kDespite 6 warnings Israel bombed and killed 4 UN observers
11112.2 kSix-year development framework for Sudan released by UN
11115.5 kOfficial Myanmar death toll increases to 78,000
11118.6 kActivists remember Burundi's Gatumba massacre
11113.9 kIndia sends first all-woman peace keeping force to Liberia
11-116.5 kU.S. found in violation of Native Americans rights
11113.7 kGreenhouse-gas emission targets may come later says Ban Ki-moon
11002.5 kBan Ki-moon calls for Zimbabwe elections to be postponed
11114.5 kBali climate change conference begins
11112.9 kSecurity Council sets deadline over Iran nuclear program
11114.1 kAngola: Marburg virus still spreading, 180 dead
11116.9 kNorth Korea claims it has conducted a nuclear test
11114.9 kIran nuclear talks have stalled
11003.6 kDeath toll mounts in Nepal civil conflict
11114.3 kForest preservation plan debated at climate talks
11115.2 kIranian president calls Israel ‘disgraceful blot’
1111137Category:Ban Ki-moon
11114.8 k"Bali Roadmap" agreed on, applauded
11116.8 kThousands demand climate change action
11418418434Category:June 26, 2008
11114 kOutgoing Australian Democrats leader predicts new party amidst double dis…
Graphique des modifications 26 June 2008
Graphique des utilisateurs 26 June 2008
Graphique des espaces de noms 26 June 2008